Amprocal, Honduras, Fairtrade Organic

Amprocal, Honduras, Fairtrade Organic
Producer: AMPROCAL, association of female producers
Location: La Labor, Ocotepeque, western Honduras
Variety: Pacas, Catuai, Icatu, Ihcafe90, Lempiras
Process: Washed
Certification: Fairtrade, Organic
Altitude: 1670 masl
Cup score: 83.5
Rich, sweet, dark chocolate, and caramel, syrupy, with a raspberry and orange peel sweetness
A rich, sweet, full bodied coffee that is well suited to all brew methods
This all-female association was founded in 2007 by eight women to strengthen the presence of female producers in the area. Originally a micro finance operation, it is now not only a green coffee supplier but they also have their own roastery and coffee shop.
They now have over 100 female members, not all growing coffee, and also offer coffee roasting and micro-credit services. Coffee producers can (for a small fee) bring their coffee in parchment, have it roasted to a particular degree, and have it ground too if they want to drink their own coffee.
They are certified Fairtrade and have 39 members registered Organic. Farmers are provided support from an agronomist to improve the productivity and sustainability of their farms.
There is also a focus on environmental conservation, with pulp and honey water being turned into organic fertiliser which they are taught how to correctly prepare and apply to the land. The AMPROCAL office itself is powered by the waste waters from coffee which produce biogas reducing their carbon footprint.
For export and dry milling, along with drying and experimentation, AMPROCAL use the facilities of Benficio San Marcos, whom they have a close relationship with. Delmy is the sales manager, and Maricela Manager for BSM. Delmy is also head of the International Womens Coffee Association for Honduras, known as Amucafe.
We are very proud to be supporting these producers and to be able to offer their coffee to you.